How to set email alerts and notifications on APP?

Main Menu→Main Menu→Network→NetService→Moblile report→Tick Enable 


Main Menu→Alarm→Intelligent Alert→Tick Send Email&Moblie report  

Right click the mouse→Main Menu→Network→NetService→Email [SMTP Server] Sender's mailbox (for example: gmail email). 

[Port] Sender's mailbox SMTP port.  

[Encryption] SSL  

[User Name] Username of the sender's mailbox (must support and open SMTP function).  

[Password] The authorization password of the sender's mailbox.  

[Receiver] Receiver’s mailbox.  

Click [Mail Testing] Send an email to receiver to test the Email setting.  

Notice: Before testing the Email, please confirm the Network has been connected successfully. 

If it failed, then change Encryption to TLS or NONE. 

Allow Xmeye App send notification and open XMEye---Alarm Config---open Alarm